Anthony Jarvis 

I love children... but I couldn't eat a whole one.


If I’m gunna blow my own horn here, I think these few things are noteworthy;

* Folks say I bring an invaluable energy to set, a quality that can’t be measured. My crew will always get the job done but have fun doing it.

* Producers can relax knowing that I’ll fill the client brief fully BUT also have options ready to extend on the brief if required. 

* I know when to speak up with ideas, thoughts and concerns… and when to keep my mouth shut.

* I’ve a Bachelor of Arts in Educational Drama with an early childhood focus. Yep, I almost became a pre-school teacher, which explains my affinity with children. I've a Working with Children Check too. 

* I can communicate easily across all levels of production; from client to assistants and everyone in between. 

* I have a wealth of collected propping and wardrobe (a 30-year obsession) which is available for hire.


I'm always happy to talk more about my work, discuss ideas and shoot the breeze.

Just get in touch;  +61 432 114 558  or




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